She’s wondering what clothes to wear


This isn’t just a line in one of Eric Clapton’s song. It’s a phase that women go through at some point or the other! 

Recently I was keen on exploring what can be worn to work in this unpredictable season and so I started googling away. I was totally surprised when I came across various online “stylists” that recommend denim jackets, coats and over coats, scarfs, stoles and lots of layering to the regular wear. The reason I understood is because the weather can get quite cool at times.. 

Ok scarfs and stoles, I agree. But layering and denim jackets.. like really? Do they even know how long these take to dry once they get damp? Do they realize, instead of protecting you, these layers are the ones that can actually give you the chill?
Oh of course, they are stylists, and they “Never” need to repeat their clothes like you and me! Hmm, do they even get caught in the rain? Do they use the local trains to travel, day in and out?
Anyway leaving all my questions aside, I thought I’d just put up a few convenient options for the common woman. I’ve put together 3 looks, and they consist of skirts (and tops) and dresses. I believe they’re very chic, professional and also stay far away from that muck! These can even be worn with scarfs and blazers in the office.
In case skirts and dresses aren’t your thing, wearing dark colored trousers to work are definitely the next option. Just make sure they’re well tailored so they don’t sweep the floor. For casual days, cotton pants, slacks, leggings/ jeggings are so much better than jeans, don’t you think? True, they may not have pockets to keep your cell, money and handkerchief, but that’s when a sling pouch or tote comes to the rescue 🙂 It’s just as imp to choose the right rainy shoes!
Also, I’ve nothing against coats and blazers, it’s just not to be worn in the rains!

Special Thanks my friend TJ, who accepted my request to let me decide what she wore to work for 3 consecutive days 🙂 check out the pics!

Leopard Print Top with Pencil Black Skirt

Leopard Print Top with Pencil Black Skirt

For a more Formal look- just add a Blazer

For a more Formal look- just add a Blazer

Pink Polka dotted dress

Pink Polka dotted dress

Pink Polka dotted dress

Pink Polka dotted dress

Striped green and blue dress

Green and Blue Striped Dress


Green and Blue Striped Dress

Which is your favorite? Let me know. 

Yours Truly,


Wake me up when September ends!

I Proudly present my very own special Coffee!

I Proudly present my very own special Coffee!

Hello All,

Yay! So we’ve come in to September today.. and it’s been pouring like crazzzzzy! Mumbai rains are beautiful provided you stay indoors.. Don’t you think? Of course when I was a kid.. I loved playing out in the rains.. those new raincoats.. leaving early from school.. those unexpected holidays.. Simply awesome!
Now however, being an adult.. things are a bit different. Even if it’s the train that’s delayed.. or even If I know I will reach about just 10 mins late, I have to call up the office and mention it.. The worst feeling really is when everyone around you somehow manages to get to work on time on such a day and end up giving you the stares! But no , this isn’t good enough to spoil my day.. right? *Staying calm is my mantra*

Arr.. talking about the weather.. it’s dull and gloomy and beautiful… But sitting at my office desk, it’s not really possible to stay focused at work. It’ll be like insulting the weather, not good no? 😉
Besides taking my focus and concentration to some other planet, this weather also makes me really cozy and lazy..
At such times, I jump out of my seat and go make some good coffee! I proudly admit here, I do make some real good coffee.. Take a look up there! 🙂

Go Ahead and tell me how do you stay focused on days like these? It’s quite a toughie I’m sure! :-*

Yours Truly,
The Silent Hummer